September 2022 : Welcome, welcome* from ORCD

Last time, we wrote about our shared computing resources subMIT, engaging, satori, and SuperCloud.  All provide high-performance computing in their way.  ORCD seeks to provide a standard mode of access to them. In the coming months, we will test an ORCD virtual desktop to make all these resources and some cloud counterparts more seamlessly visible to anyone under a single entry point. 

The virtual desktop will have access via a web browser or as a standalone app, and icons will present each shared resource.  Clicking the icon will take you to the high-performance resource you want.  Initially, the virtual desktop will support engaging, subMIT, and SuperCloud, but more will appear as we get to them.

We envision this desktop providing paths to emerging regional cloud initiatives and national facilities. If you have thoughts and ideas you would like to see as part of an ORCD virtual desktop initiative, and we would love to hear them, please send them to


  1. Call for MIT Prize for Open Data nominations here, due Friday, Sept. 16.
  2. Course for Fall: 12.010 Computational Methods of Scientific Programming 
  3. We note the passing of Dr. Frank Drake, founder of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and creator of the Drake Equation: the probability of finding other life forms in the universe.
  4. Starlink: 51 – Artemis: 0 (Next attempt is Sept. 19, 2022).
  5. James Webb: 14557×8418 (Tarantula Nebula, 160,000 light years from Earth, image released Sept. 6, 2022)


Peter Fisher – Head, ORCD and Thomas A. Frank (1977) Professor of Physics.

Heather Williams – Assistant Provost for Strategic Projects

Chris Hill – Principal Research Scientist, EAPS, and Director of the Research Computing Project

Access ORCD Resources noted above:

  1. You can seek access to MGHPCC here or by contacting Chris Hill at
  2. SuperCloud accounts are available through the SuperCloud Account Request page. In addition, any questions regarding the system can be sent to
  3. Access the SubMIT cluster at Bates here.
  4. You can learn more about other ORCD resources in the “MIT Campus Wide Resources” section of

* Our regular viewers will recognize that was an oblique reference to the Ig Nobel Prizes which are awarded this month. A small ceremony will take place at Harvard but it will again be a remote event for Boston and Beyond.